These photos
came in a little late of our contest. But checkout this 8' bullshark:
A family friend caught this bull shark off the Gandy Causeway a few days
before hurricane Dennis hit. it was caught in less than 8 feet of water,
wouldn't want to drive my car off the Gandy or the Howard Franklin Bridge
anytime soon...
Ryan Whitaker
Hi, I wanted to add these photos
of my husband's surf board to your shark page.
He was surfing Dennis waves Sunday off Lee County, FL. He was just paddling
into a wave when he saw the 7 foot bull shark coming for his hand. He
pulled it away and the shark got the board instead.
G. Zeller

This shark was pulled off a reef at Wabasso beach near
Nathan Duncan
I'm a fellow gulf surfer so I feel it is my duty to extreminate these mence
when I have the chance this is a six foot hammer head caught right off the
beach of Clearwater we threw it in the boat and it was bitting anything
near it! It tore seat covers into peices in my friend's boat. Lets surf
these Canes!
Shark Contest entries below:
(Sorry the contest is over, thanks too everyone for sending in their photos
during a flat spell)
Lots of attacks right here in the Gulf and it's still
only June. They called 2001 The Summer Of The Shark.
Hopefully this year doesn't go down as bad. But there's plenty of them
out there. If you have any you would like to add Email them to
Please don't forget to email us your Name and mailing address if you are
interested in some free stuff courtesy of gulfster. Remember these must
be YOUR photos and not pulled off another website.
Keep checking this page it will be updated daily.
Recent Shark Attacks:
attacked in Boca Grande
attack - 14 year old was attacked fishing Monday 6/27/05
Shark Attach In Destin Florida 6/25/05
Shark Video sent in by Chris Rish
Photo 1 -
From Zack W.- My dad
works for FWC and they do a tarpon study down in Boca Grande pass almost
every year. I went down to check it out and took some video. This frame
grab is my dad with a big ol ' hammerhead. from a tiny clip.

Photo 2 - From
??? - No one wanted to pick him up.
About a 4 1/2 foot nurse shark caught off of Sand Key Jetty.

Photos 3 & 4 - This
is Eddie Challinor and Allen Shepard with a couple of sharks from Bonita
Beach. When there's no swell they love to fish for sharks and tarpon.
They often see big lemons and bull sharks in less than 3 ft of water.

4 & 5 - From ???
- Hey, More days then not while we are fishing off my aunts dock on Sunshine
Skyway lane we catch small yet still formidable sharks. This is my aunt
with a baby bonnet head shark. We have plenty more pictures of different
species of shark just on hard copy photos and not on the digital camera.
We catch everything from blacktip to sawtooth sharks.

Photo 5 - Beginning
of June some friends and I were fishing in the Florida keys and caught
a small nurse shark, while trying to unhook it it started to flail and
its tail hit my friend right in the package. -Drew of St Pete Beach
Photo 6 - Vincent
Mendez 10yrs old
Photos 7 -
Marty, is a captain that charters people around Boca Grande. This is a
picture of Marty and one of his customers holding a 6ft bull shark right
off of Boca pass. - Matt

Picture of "hitlet" a legendary shark that lives off of boca
pass and is 15 ft long..
Photo 8 - Pic
Sent in by Tony Coleman

Photo 9 - We
caught this shark 1/2 mile from The St Petersburg Pier

Photo 10 - This
is a picture of a shark that my neighbor and I caught around my dock before
sundown. It is a black tip around 3 feet. - Ryan K.

Photo 11 - Pic
of a 5 ft white shark caught off the Gandy bridge, St Pete. Wed. morning
June 28th. This one is small compared to some of the others they are realing
in. - Andrew

Photo 12 - I
cought this Bad boy in Sarasota - TIM MONTGOMERY
Photos 13 -
This picture is from 6/30/05. They are bull sharks in Bayboro Harbor,
by USF St. Petersburg. They have been all gathering in Bayboro the past
couple of days to avoid red tide or to feed on dying fish. I don't know
which. Classic Jaws. T-shirt?
- Jesse
Photos 14 -
this was 40 miles west of Clearwater....
Not a Shark, but cool pic....

Photos 15 - We
caught this in Sarasota. Its a angry Bonnet Head Shark.

Photos 16 -
A Black tip we caught several years ago in Pine Island
Sound. -Arsen
Photos 17 -
heres a little bonethead we caught in the keys. - Ken

Photos 18 -
8 foot bull shark from july 1st at the Bayboro harbor. Me and my friend
were trying to catch them but they kept snapping the line on our poles..
80 lb test.

Thats my leg a couple days after being bit surfing at New Smyrna Beach.
- Paul N.

Photo 19 -
Pic of a small black tip that got attack by a much larger shark, that
is one bite mark the mouth of the larger shark must have been a 1 1/2
wide and we saw the bigger shark, it was most likely a bullshark. this
all happend about 3 miles off the coast of Sarasota...Blake Stone

Photo 20 -
Old pic. Heather B.

Photo 21
"Me and my friend Mike did a night dive awhile ago off of Clearwater
beach. Mike was spearfishing at night, yeah dont ask why, but the noise
from the speargun brought the sharks in. So here is a pic of the infamous
bull shark..." - Jason Fernandez

Photo 22
sick site..keep it up.. - Hunter W.
Photo 23 This
shark was caught while fishing aboard the "CHARISMA" of Mexico
Beach on June 27, 2005. 
Photo 24
Sent in by Charles A.
Photo 25
Sent in by Kevin C, Apollo Beach.
"My 8yr old son's (Bradley) first boat fishing trip and first shark,"
