12/02/10 Puerto Rico

New day new swell Clapper pulling in under the bowl.

"kid you do that again im gonna whoop your ass"

solid swell greets us.

Mrs. Stewart

“The Mix"

a bowly wave at the edge we were frothing.

prime real estate

clapparazzi throws two shakas

drew shaka

TD mixing it up at the mix.

wishing well.

oh.... the potential.

stairs own to the caves.

"main street" back to wildo afternoon

perfect spot for a couple cervecas.

back at the mix, it was bowls and peaks galour

you seen my bone ?

clapper negotiates a critical section

large Clapper left.

a slight bump from the wind, they said, but still really fun.

just like last year wildo mayor "maso" spins a 360, on a good sized lefty

island transportation.

"hold still dammit!"... bunch of sickos.

TD grabs a left

unknown shwack.

TD wraps one on the inside

local girl charging

TD on an inside reef runner.

(unknown) local charger, nice bottom turn on a nice lefty section at Wildo

(unknown) under the hoole mini cover up.

fun, playful wave at the mix.



drew "mixing it up"

drew tail reverse

Bootes, gloves, a local gringo chooses to wear his gear in urchin heavy waters

empty perfection.
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