11/25/10 Thanksgiving in Puerto Rico

Our trip started off with a small day at Wilderness,
perfect for breaking in the grom to handle 10 days of reef breaks,

Surfers beach or like the first pic "little dork beach" small waves and
windy conditions this day so we pressed onward.

Staring over the fence, the possibilities seem endless, reefs and points to the left..

... reefs and points to the right.

The right wind, swell direction this particular point probably lights up.

Chester chicken.. enough said.

Medalla at jobos... enough said.

This was another great warm-up day for the grom and probably the smallest of the trip.

Ryan hunting the key hole exit at wilderness.

Home base, Los Remedios. Chupacabra sightings were frequent.

The neightbors at Los Remedios brought us all a plate for Thanksgiving.
the friendliness of the local people was really overwhelming.
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